Whirlwind Week of Touring!

My best intentions of keeping the blog up-to-date 2 to 3 times a week have been quickly derailed this week. My tour schedule heated up with the weather and I focussed on providing great experiences for clients from near and far.

Last Sunday I had the pleasure of spending time with Angela from Maine. Her first visit to Nova Scotia began in Parrsboro. Our all-day custom tour took us to beaches from Diligent River to Soley Cove. The images featured above are just a few of many I was able to capture.

Monday presented a mixed group of women friends from Parrsboro and Georgia. This custom tour included a picnic and interpretive guided hike along the red sandstone and dark basalt cliffs in Five Islands Provincial Park. Reviews are in and it looks like everyone had a stellar time!

Monday night took us to Economy for the Cliffs of Fundy Geopark AGM. I was fortunate enough to connect with old acquaintances and forge new connections by setting up a display to promote Tide Rollers & Mudlarkers. It made for a long day!

Tuesday night’s walk took place at Partridge Island Beach. The usual group had shrunk to four of us, but showing some newcomers to Parrsboro one of our great beaches generated great enthusiasm! Two participants learned about my free tidal talk at Five Islands the following night and joined that event.

My day was only half over. I met up with photographer and influencer Sylvie Mazerolle from Dieppe, NB of Hot Flash Photography to “chase the light” at sunset.

When you know, you just know! Sylvie and I finished each other’s sentences and recognized a kindred spirit immediately. I offered to spend Thursday with her to show her the area down shore.

We stopped to visit with artists participating in the Parrsboro International Plein Air Festival, explored lupin lined blueberry fields, walked on beaches, explored red sandstone rocks, smelled the wild roses, stopped briefly at the Wild Caraway Restaurant in Advocate and soaked up the sunshine.

Cape d’Or offered more artists to observe and the most memorable views… Sylvie knew instantly that this shoreline has not received the attention it deserves. Her camera was in constant capture mode and I was pleased to be showing her some of our most treasured destinations.

After a quick recharge with food at home and repacking my pack it was time for the Annual Summer Solstice Sunset Hike to Clarke Head. With the wind and increased wave activity we settled on a picnic spot near the trailhead on our way back to the cars. Fresh strawberries, chocolate fudge cookies, cheese and gluten-free crackers and cookies made for welcome nourishment while we built a small fire in a contained stove.

It was a busy week of sharing beaches and special destination points with strangers that left as friends!

Next on the agenda: a guided sunset walk on the beach of Five Islands Provincial Park from 7-8:30 pm tonight. Happy Weekend everyone!

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