Tide Rollers & Mudlarkers Special Feature!

I already posted about Sylvie Mazerolle last week after spending and evening chasing the sunset and a full day during summer Solstice. Sylvie only lives 90 minutes from Parrsboro but she had no idea what she would discover here… Sylvie, the wordsmith and photographer, tells the story here: https://sylviemazerolle.com/blog/the-best-hidden-gem-in-nova-scotia-part-2 A feast for the eyes andContinue reading “Tide Rollers & Mudlarkers Special Feature!”

Whirlwind Week of Touring!

My best intentions of keeping the blog up-to-date 2 to 3 times a week have been quickly derailed this week. My tour schedule heated up with the weather and I focussed on providing great experiences for clients from near and far. Last Sunday I had the pleasure of spending time with Angela from Maine. HerContinue reading “Whirlwind Week of Touring!”