July Five Islands Provincial Park Tours

 JULY 2024 GUIDED OCEAN FLOOR WALKS & TOURS Monday, July 1st Understanding the Highest Tides in the World
 Interpretive Beach Walk3 – 5 pm – FREE (Happy Canada Day)
 Tips welcome to offset expenses

 Saturday, July 6th Mid-day Eco Interpretive Hike to the Old Wife
 Formation 10 am – noonContinue reading “July Five Islands Provincial Park Tours”

Whirlwind Week of Touring!

My best intentions of keeping the blog up-to-date 2 to 3 times a week have been quickly derailed this week. My tour schedule heated up with the weather and I focussed on providing great experiences for clients from near and far. Last Sunday I had the pleasure of spending time with Angela from Maine. HerContinue reading “Whirlwind Week of Touring!”

Five Islands Provincial Park and Soley Cove – in less than 18 hours

Thanks to three interested women and their canine companions the season kick off at Five Islands Provincial Park was a success. We ventured along the beach toward Old Wife Rock, chatted about the fault line where Jurassic meets Triassic era, sandstone cliffs, erosion, columnar basalt and we carefully observed the endangered Mud Piddock ponds. TheContinue reading “Five Islands Provincial Park and Soley Cove – in less than 18 hours”

Five Islands Provincial Park 2024 Season Starts Friday!

June 7th is fast approaching and I have been preparing for the season opener. The weather isn’t looking too promising for Saturday and Sunday. But what is a little rain when we can explore the best campground and beach in Nova Scotia? Here is June’s schedule for guided tours and walks within Five Islands ProvincialContinue reading “Five Islands Provincial Park 2024 Season Starts Friday!”

The Newletter Is Here!

Here is the PDF version for those who want to download a copy and print it.

Five Islands Provincial Park Official Tour Operator

After dotting every “I”and crossing all ”Ts”, signing the contract and submitting the annual licensing fee I am finally able to share the exciting news: Tide Rollers & Mudlarkers is the official tour company to conduct guided hikes, interpretive walks and custom tours within Five Islands Provincial Park. The lengthy and in-depth application process wasContinue reading “Five Islands Provincial Park Official Tour Operator”