July Five Islands Provincial Park Tours

 JULY 2024 GUIDED OCEAN FLOOR WALKS & TOURS Monday, July 1st Understanding the Highest Tides in the World
 Interpretive Beach Walk3 – 5 pm – FREE (Happy Canada Day)
 Tips welcome to offset expenses

 Saturday, July 6th Mid-day Eco Interpretive Hike to the Old Wife
 Formation 10 am – noonContinue reading “July Five Islands Provincial Park Tours”

Tide Rollers & Mudlarkers Special Feature!

I already posted about Sylvie Mazerolle last week after spending and evening chasing the sunset and a full day during summer Solstice. Sylvie only lives 90 minutes from Parrsboro but she had no idea what she would discover here… Sylvie, the wordsmith and photographer, tells the story here: https://sylviemazerolle.com/blog/the-best-hidden-gem-in-nova-scotia-part-2 A feast for the eyes andContinue reading “Tide Rollers & Mudlarkers Special Feature!”

Whirlwind Week of Touring!

My best intentions of keeping the blog up-to-date 2 to 3 times a week have been quickly derailed this week. My tour schedule heated up with the weather and I focussed on providing great experiences for clients from near and far. Last Sunday I had the pleasure of spending time with Angela from Maine. HerContinue reading “Whirlwind Week of Touring!”

More Soley Cove… The Most Requested Walk on the Ocean Floor

It’s been a fantastic week with two more Soley Cove Tours. Susan and Mark from Montana on Wednesday and Angela from Maine today, lovely people who recognize a special place when they see it! I could not have hoped for better weather. Both days offered up sunshine and a gentle breeze to keep us coolContinue reading “More Soley Cove… The Most Requested Walk on the Ocean Floor”

Five Islands Provincial Park and Soley Cove – in less than 18 hours

Thanks to three interested women and their canine companions the season kick off at Five Islands Provincial Park was a success. We ventured along the beach toward Old Wife Rock, chatted about the fault line where Jurassic meets Triassic era, sandstone cliffs, erosion, columnar basalt and we carefully observed the endangered Mud Piddock ponds. TheContinue reading “Five Islands Provincial Park and Soley Cove – in less than 18 hours”

Five Islands Provincial Park 2024 Season Starts Friday!

June 7th is fast approaching and I have been preparing for the season opener. The weather isn’t looking too promising for Saturday and Sunday. But what is a little rain when we can explore the best campground and beach in Nova Scotia? Here is June’s schedule for guided tours and walks within Five Islands ProvincialContinue reading “Five Islands Provincial Park 2024 Season Starts Friday!”

The Newletter Is Here!

Here is the PDF version for those who want to download a copy and print it.

Special Delivery!

It’s here! My special banner for networking and advertising opportunities has arrived along with a new batch of rack cards. I was so excited that I set the banner up immediately. Sorry for the hasty image. Changes are in the works with three full years of blogging coming to an end. Daily blogs will beContinue reading “Special Delivery!”

Leake Lake, Cliffs of Fundy Geopark Site

The fog lifted around the time my Wednesday walk group gathered. By lunch time the sky was bright blue and my friend Deena and I took our e-bikes out for our first ride of the season. Leake Lake was the perfect destination for a first outing. This small kettle lake is a popular hangout duringContinue reading “Leake Lake, Cliffs of Fundy Geopark Site”

Cape Chignecto Shelf Fungi

While hiking the Cape Chignecto Costal Trail last month I was struck by the variety of shelf fungi adorning the trees. Here is a small selection of various collections along the trail.

Looking for Treasures…

I enjoyed this Sunday morning tour with Deb and her grandson studying rocks and minerals around Partridge Island. Deb had contacted me a few weeks ago to see if I would accommodate them for a treasure hunt. The tides were favourable. We explored the weir, the beach, columnar basalt cliffs and spent time warming upContinue reading “Looking for Treasures…”

Evergreen Content

“Evergreen Content” is a term we have all heard before, especially bloggers who have been at it for a while. I began blogging as part of the various websites I have created and maintained since 2008. I began FundyContemplations as a daily blog site on June 1st, 2021, long before I entertained the idea ofContinue reading “Evergreen Content”

Patterns Created by Wind and Waves

Anyone who has followed my blog for a while knows how much I love the ever-changing landscape. The tides present new surprises every time the beach emerges. Enjoy the offerings today!

Phinney Green on Victoria Day…

…with friends. A perfect day for a beach hike. Tranquility, sunshine, like-minded people, clouds reflecting in the Bay of Fundy and nothing but time!

Wild Roses…

Among the first green buds bursting open are the wild rose bushes lining the beaches. I am anticipating the blooms permeating the air with their sweet scent in just a few more weeks.

Five Islands Provincial Park Official Tour Operator

After dotting every “I”and crossing all ”Ts”, signing the contract and submitting the annual licensing fee I am finally able to share the exciting news: Tide Rollers & Mudlarkers is the official tour company to conduct guided hikes, interpretive walks and custom tours within Five Islands Provincial Park. The lengthy and in-depth application process wasContinue reading “Five Islands Provincial Park Official Tour Operator”

The Pebble Hunter

Pebbles from the sea Deposited by the tides – Colours, stripes and hearts!

Different Angles from Phinney Green Beach

Hard to believe these are the same sea stack formations! See them with your own eyes, book a tour!