Bubbling Tides? Partridge Island Beach has them…

It was our first summertime beach gathering in well over a year! We met up at Partridge Island Beach to share great food, stories with friends and soak up the sun! As the tide rolled in we explored the shore, some even braved the refreshing bay waters, most of us just waded around to coolContinue reading “Bubbling Tides? Partridge Island Beach has them…”

Rain, rain, go away…

Heavy rain this morning surprised us, but what mixed the day up unnecessarily was the fact that the weather forecast was completely false. The rain stopped… but it was too late to reschedule the original tour planned for today. Good thing the guests are here for another day! We are venturing out tomorrow… let’s seeContinue reading “Rain, rain, go away…”

Tuesday Evening Walks All Summer in Beautiful Parrsboro!

Just putting this out here for everyone! NSWalks continues to be active in Parrsboro. We walk in any weather! There are two separate groups. The Parrsboro Pacers have moved from Wednesday mornings to Tuesday nights to avoid the summer heat! These walks are free and are organized and led by a certified NSWalks leader. JoinContinue reading “Tuesday Evening Walks All Summer in Beautiful Parrsboro!”

Among The Trees…

… was the title of the video that popped up on my phone today. Strange how it evoked a longing to head out and explore the forest. An hour after the video presented itself the notice, that hiking restrictions in wooded areas are now lifted in Nova Scotia, was issued. The rain we have enjoyedContinue reading “Among The Trees…”

Ottawa House-by-the Sea: Now Open for the 2023 Season!

Despite the rainy day we were busy serving visitors throughout the day today. Make sure you add Ottawa House Museum to your list of places to explore in 2023.

After the rain…

Apple blossoms!!! Lupines!!! Prunus padus, better known as Mayday… a little late but ever so welcome! …last but not least, a reminder that black flies don’t only bother humans. Thanks to a couple doses of Benadryl Teak’s eyes are all better tonight and the itch is gone! Take your insect repellent and make sure toContinue reading “After the rain…”

Blog Post #730

Yes, 730 is not a fictitious number I pulled from the air or my imagination. Today’s entry truly constitutes my 730th blog post, two complete years of posting every day! It all started out with a more contemplative theme. I would choose one or two images, add some personal thoughts, a haiku or I wouldContinue reading “Blog Post #730”

Fox Point Beach to Diligent River

Besides my first aid kit and plenty of water I like to leave a bit of room in my backpack for my sense of adventure. Today’s beach excursion was timed carefully to see how long we would have to get past the large seaweed covered rocks on the east side of FoxPoint Beach, explore theContinue reading “Fox Point Beach to Diligent River”

Long Weekend…

With the rain today it was time to spend some downtime planning… heading out early tomorrow for a beach excursion. Can’t wait to compare this cliff image with tomorrow’s. Based on past experiences the sandstone will be saturated with moisture and present even more vivid colours… check back tomorrow to see if I am correct.

Forest Bathing at Wards Falls

The forest and waterfall were calling today… Wards Falls is always a great destination. My focus today was on contrasting and comparing the various stages of wildflowers and emergence of foliage. The woodland trail was almost dried up reminding us of how much we need moisture to keep wildfires at bay. This will be theContinue reading “Forest Bathing at Wards Falls”

Video Flashback: Refugee Cove

May 18th, 2022 – my first ever hike to Refugee Cove! It was a glorious day, one year ago… I will blame this hike on planting the idea of exploring the Cape Chignecto Coastal Trail. It only took a year to realize my dream and meet my personal goal.

Beach Impressions

Moody sky, unobstructed view of Five Islands and a vast beach to explore… great ingredients for a photo excursion… Happy Monday, Anna

Thomas Cove Economy Trail Loop at Low Tide

A sunny afternoon called for a nature outing. We chose Thomas Cove and were treated to low tide views and perfect conditions to explore not only the woodlands on top of the cliff but also the ocean floor. We used the rope to access the sandstone without incident. I had lost my footing last timeContinue reading “Thomas Cove Economy Trail Loop at Low Tide”

Cape Chignecto Provincial Park Coastal Trail – Final Section

Monday morning arrived with soft light and no rain. Breakfast was the quickest affair yet and with no tents to air or dry out we were back on the trail shortly after 7:30 am. 8 km to go… the finish line was so close! With positive energy we forged ahead fully aware of the oneContinue reading “Cape Chignecto Provincial Park Coastal Trail – Final Section”

Recounting the Memories: Cape Chignecto – Day 1

When you wake up one morning in February thinking you should circumnavigate Cape Chignecto you either shake your head and ignore the silly thought or you start conditioning. I first found myself a hiking partner with Cape Chignecto experience and then started training. Each journey starts with a single step and the preparation for meContinue reading “Recounting the Memories: Cape Chignecto – Day 1”

He has seen better days…

… I stumbled upon this painted shell far from the shore! Put a smile on our faces while sharing the view over Wards Falls this weekend! Happy Monday, Anna

Woodland Discoveries

We ventured back to Wards Falls today. Our primary reason was for conditioning, the goal we set was to complete the trail twice with our full packs. The total distance we estimated was somewhere around 14 km. We built in brief rests overlooking the falls each time and had lunch at the car after completingContinue reading “Woodland Discoveries”

Beach Impressions

I decided to share just a few beach impressions from today’s 12.5 km beach hike from Soley’s Cove to Jacob’s Lane Beach in Economy. Happy Saturday, Anna


There is a hidden private staircase leading to the beach near the “Old Man” sea stack close to Clarke Head. To get prepared for a multi-day backpacking excursion I have decided to use these 176 steps to optimize my cardio fitness. These images are from last night. I climbed the stairs twice… I am haulingContinue reading “Conditioning…”